This article has been reprinted with permission from Bo Bengston.
Greyhound Judging Priorities
Published in the AKC Gazette, November 2020This time, I would like to focus on judging priorities as seen by members of the Greyhound Club of America’s Education Committee. Contributors to this article include June Matarazzo, Pamela Noll, Cynthia Swanson, and myself. These committee members have over 125 years of greyhound experience combined and have these thoughts to share. While the … Read More
What makes a Greyhound a Greyhound?
Published in the AKC Gazette, August 2020I would like to introduce myself as the person writing the Greyhound column for the first time. My name is Patti Clark and I have been involved in various aspects of the sport of dogs since 1978. My interest in the Greyhound began almost 35 years ago and in 1991 I co-bred my first … Read More